Thursday, December 29, 2005

Extracting Brands from Languishing Ideas

Leading Questions: Extracting Brands from Languishing Ideas
Grant McCracken who writes the This Blog Sits at the blog has offered an intriguing thought about how to find ideas in organizations.

Let's be honest. The corporation has many great ideas that it never manages to harvest. These are notions sitting in reports from consultants, buried in internal committee work, neglected on the lab bench, ideas taken up and then let slip.

The culprits are clear enough. Some ideas are murdered in committee. Some are destroyed by the roller derby punishments of politics. Some drop between stools as personnel come and go. And some merely get lost in the very considerable shuffle of corporate life.

The corporation is now so good at mobilizing to address the present opportunity that it sometimes has a hard time keeping an eye on the alternative ones. What doesn't get operationalized straight away tends to disappear from view.

This is so true.

For full post go here


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