Liquid Day @ NCCC - response to Darren
Thanks, Darren, for your comment to my posting. I'm glad to hear that the evening was quite different, and am sorry that I didn't 'get that message'.I do not want to be critical of the day or suggest that it totally fell short - except that what I experienced fell short of my personal expectations. And perhaps my colleague had his expectations shaped by my expectations when I suggested to him that he attend. Others with other expectations would no doubt have had quite a different reaction. Perhaps it was all too 'liquid' for me! :-) and perhaps I blogged too soon after the event without enough reflection.
And I really do appreciate the difficulties the organizers found themselves in when registrations fell short of the required base number.
You noted:
"However we were very intentional today about not wanting to it to be a talking head event but rather a learning together/networking and sharing journeys type time."
I think this is a very valid intent - and I liked how Phil said that the speakers were not the experts, but that the expertise was in the attendees. However I have seen numerous occassions where such forums have fallen flat - the 'success' depends so heavily on the actual people who are present and the inter-relational dynamics amongst them. For me it didn't work as well as it could have or as well as I would have liked it to have.
From what you have said though, it appears that if I'd stayed for the evening I'd probably have come away with a different impression.
In Him
Hey Gordon, great to finally put the face to the name (and blog!).
In many respects, we wanted to move away from the notion that "conference is one way traffic" to I guess what I would describe as the dictionary definition, one where people can come and confer.
There were younger people there who struggled with terminology and older folk (both in terms of age and experience) who may have felt a little ripped off by not having enough content.
It was a risk but one that we were well prepared to take as we try to discover a means and method to make a conference a place where people can come to confer, where ideas can be exchanged, where we can all bring our little part of the truth that we have discovered and share it with others, assembling the jigsaw that is God's grand plan for his church in this age.
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